Maria Kouninska | Creative Director

you just might
surpise yourself


Everything you see on the Internet is dictated by an algorithm. You’re served the things you know and are expected to like. On Pinterest, the unexpected finds you. The more you explore, the more you discover. The more you discover, the deeper you go. And somewhere along way you just might surprise yourself. 

Our anthem film, directed by Yann Demange, portrays the metaphorical journey down the rabbit hole full of surprising things that just might become your next thing. Spoiler alert: it may have nothing to do with wedding cakes or arts and crafts.

We also created short-form films to show how a single pin can change the tragectory of your journey throught the platform, often leading to surprising results.

alongside film, we created an ooh campaign that spanned from LA to New York to London.

made with lovely people at droga5

jennifer yoon, tom mcqueen,
george mcqueen, julianna cobb,
ben brown, jackie moran,
sachin arora 

our production parnters 

yann demange | director
xialong liu | dp
biff butler | editor      

freya bardell | set design
miyako bellizzi | styling

walker | music